Thursday, April 24, 2008

How'd that get in there?

So let's just start by saying that if it wasn't for us getting to eat lunch at our school everyday, we would probably starve, but lately our lunches have been interesting. Everyday for lunch we have rice, some kind of soup, kimchi, and then usually some other side dish. Unfortunately, none of the windows in our school have screens, and little critters have been jumping in to our soup. For example, the other day there was a whole entire crab in our soup. But crabs aren't the only things that jump into our soup. Fish, whole entire fish, bones and everything, seem to get in there to. And one day, we had half a crab, half a fish, and a couple prawns thrown in the soup. How are these things getting in there? Needless to say, it's exciting digging into our soup because we never know what we're going to find...literally.

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