Sunday, June 1, 2008

Crazy Cow (Part 2)

Well apparently the panic over "crazy cow" disease is not yet over, in fact, we believe it is only just beginning. To those of you who have not read our previous blog, "crazy cow" is what many Korean people call Mad Cow disease (we figure it is lost in translation).

Just the other night we went to Changwon (the biggest city in our province) for dinner with a friend. There was a huge gathering of peo
ple out on the the side of one of the major streets. It was clearly a protest of some kind, as they all were holding candles and signs. We didn't know what it was about, so of course being curious people, decided to check it out. Our friend that was out to dinner with us is actually Korean so started interpreting some of the signs people were holding and part of the speech a man was giving. The signs were all in protest of American beef being allowed back into South Korea, but the man had a litte stronger view on the situation. The man was not only mad that American beef was being let back into South Korea, but also felt that it is all the new president's fault and that he should be kicked out of office (a little extreme right?). As if all of this was not enough, later in the night there was even a performance by some musicians who had written a song about the evils of American beef. These people are serious. Well, you can imagine some of the looks that we got walking through that crowd. Two white people at a rally against American beef. Some of those people looked as though we were bringing the pestilence to them ourselves. Below is a picture from the protest.

1 comment:

Lori said...

I have enjoyed reading your blog. It sounds like you are having a wonderful adventure.

Way to go!

Lori Wright